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Opera Ithaca Festival Passes

​Opera Ithaca Festival Passes offer premium reserved seating admission to both festival mainstage productions (Proving Up | Highway 1, USA and Nabucco) as well as general admission seating to the Apprentice Artist Recital Program, Voices Represented.




Passes can also be purchased over the phone by calling (607) 273-2787.


Opera Ithaca is a proud member of

Opera Ithaca's programming is made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Kathleen Hochul and the New York State Legislature.

Additional programming is made possible (in part or in full) with funds from the Statewide Community Regrants program from the New York State Council on the Arts, with the support of the office of the Governor and NYS Legislature, and from Tompkins County; administered by the Community Arts Partnership of Tompkins County. 
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® I LOVE NEW YORK is a registered trademark and service mark of the

New York State Department of Economic Development; used with permission.

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